Tommy Club & FirstPort

We are very excited to partner with FirstPort at Tommy Club, and we’re really looking forward to getting to know your people and working together to change lives for military veterans all across the UK. This page gives more information on our work and links to other information.

Tommy Club & FirstPort

We are very excited to partner with FirstPort at Tommy Club, and we’re really looking forward to getting to know your people and working together to change lives for military veterans all across the UK. This page gives more information on our work and links to other information.

Introducing Tommy Club

Two million veterans live in the UK. Every year 15,000 people move from the armed forces to new civilian lives. 1,000 leave with injuries from conflict or poor mental health.

Tommy Club is the home of the Tommy. It funds work with veterans of all Armed Forces in the UK via our parent charity RBLI. We provide homes, work, and specialist support for veterans in need.

340 veteran families benefit from homes on our Village in Kent, or work in our social enterprise. Thousands more benefit from employment support around the UK.

Every week veterans and people with disabilities in our factories in England and Scotland produce thousands of signs for road, rail, and commercial partners.

How we help

Our fundraising helps veterans aged 18-100 and their families all over the UK. We change lives every day.

We are building vital new homes and facilities for veterans and families at our military Village in Kent.

We contribute over £1.8m in social and local economic value to the UK economy. Our Scottish social enterprise is proud to be one of the first to receive a King’s Awards for Enterprise.

We give in-depth employability training to 500 veterans each year across the UK; 80% gain employment, training, or volunteering within 12 months.

Patrick lives in Portsmouth with his wife and their young family. He served in the London and Scottish Regiment and the Navy. Afterwards he found himself spending eight months job-hunting. “I’ve worked with people from every part of the world, in hostile environments, but not know what civilian life will hold and if you’ll fit in was hard. It was easy to spiral downward.” Within three weeks of getting employment support from the charity, Patrick gained three interviews, and he now works as a Consultant in cybersecurity.

Your fundraising will help us reach more veterans like Patrick all over the UK who need support after serving their country.

Get involved

There are a whole range of ways you can support our work, from events to volunteering, supporting our veterans and getting our iconic Tommies out all over the UK!

Learn more about how you can purchase Tommies for homes, gardens, and workplaces at

For our full list of events, see

Your support will change lives


could provide a welcome pack with food, toiletries, and bedding for a veteran arriving at our emergency accommodation


could contribute to counselling for a veteran struggling with PTSD, helping them regain confidence and gain work


could cover the cost of support from a Welfare Officer to help someone living with a disability to start a new role in our social enterprise


could help provide care in our Assisted Living homes for a veteran and their family


could enable a veteran to take part in our employability programme and gain up to a year of further support to help them gain work after serving their country.


For more information on events or to discuss ideas for the partnership, please email our team via [email protected]

Every Tommy Club Champion Supports…

Britain's Bravest Manufacturing Co
RBLI - Supporting Veterans In Need Centenary Tommy