Former Royal Fusilier Tommy Trotter made Honorary Tommy Club Champion for 100th Birthday

Another amazing community initiative was brought to our attention by our Tommy Club Champion Neil! Back in February this year Royal Fusilier and D-Day veteran, Tommy Trotter, was facing the prospect of celebrating his 100th birthday alone in lockdown.
Tommy landed on the beaches of Normandy 6th June 1944 as part of the allied invasion of occupied France. Before the pandemic, Tommy would visit the Don War Memorial Bar on a daily basis, missing only a few days last year when he was hospitalised with pneumonia. He loves nothing more than settling down with a pint of John Smith’s and a Sunday Roast. Due to the pandemic, Tommy, who has dementia, has been unable to retell his war stories to the punters of the bar and has forgotten much of his own history as a result. Tommy’s friend and bar owner, Julia Cooper, had originally organised a big birthday celebration for him, including a regimental guard of honour. When the plans had to be scrapped due to Covid-19 restrictions, Julia put her thinking cap on, to make sure Tommy’s big day did not go by without occasion. On February 10th Tommy is going to celebrate his 100th birthday. Bar owner Julia Cooper had organised a big birthday celebration, including a regimental guard of honour! Unfortunately, these plans have been scrapped due to the pandemic and hero Tommy faces spending his big day in total isolation. And that’s where the Champions came in… The target of 1000 Birthday cards for Tommy Trotter was reached, and then smashed! You sent cards by the sack-load. He received enough cards to fill the floor in Julia’s bar!
He got over 3000 and is now a proud Tommy Club Champion!
RBLI’s Chief Executive Brigadier Steve Sherry CMG OBE said: “Whilst this pandemic has been incredibly challenging for us all, it has also brought out the very best in us – and that’s no more evident than in Julia’s amazing campaign and the Tommy Club champions who have offered their support.
“Thanks to Julia’s incredible efforts, one of our nation’s heroes will hopefully receive the warm birthday wishes he deserves.
“But that can only happen if the public get involved, so we want to encourage as many people as possible to show your support for Tommy and make sure his centenary birthday is one to remember.”
Tommy featured on both the BBC and ITV after news broke out that he received an astonishing 3000 cards – did any of you see it?
Courtesy of the Tommy Club, Tommy received a personalised Tommy for his home and favorite bar as well as honorary championship. I’m sure you’ll extend your warm welcome to our newest Champion!